January 11, 2013

Facial Masks High in Vitamin C

Orange You Glad…
You Can Make A Beauty Mask From Ingredients You Have In Your Pantry?
Beauty face masks made from Oranges, high in vitamin C by Barbies Beauty Bits

If you have been to my blog before, I’m sure you’d probably noticed, I love making different beauty masks, especially ones that help contribute to healthier skin. One ingredient that is wonderful in a facial mask is vitamin C; it is great for the skin and body.  And this is probably why you can find it added to over the counter anti-aging products.  So why?  Well let's see…Vitamin C helps  protect the skin against damaging aggressors, increases hydration, as well as increasing the appearance of skin clarity for a more even skin tone.  And as I always say to anyone who wants to listen:  “It’s never too early to start with prevention for your skin," and what better place to start then from items you already have in your home; like with some citrus! Citrus is full of vitamin C, therefore,  helping to tighten the skin, as well as producing collegian, which equals  fewer wrinkles, and we all want that!   Aside from eating citrus you can make a great facial mask from it too. 
Citrus fruits are great antioxidants, and they are rich in Alpha Hydroxy  (a natural exfoliant). One mask that I really like a lot is one made from oranges, aside from smelling wonderful, oranges are one of the more gentle citrus fruits, so I get to use this one a lot. 
My Freshly Squeezed Recipe:
  • Get one medium orange and peel it.
  • Squeeze the juice out of the orange
  • If you have some OJ that is 100% you can use this instead of peeling and squeezing.
  • Add 2 tbsp. plain yogurt and mix
  • Slowly pour in some powder milk & 1 tsp of water.
  • Let the mixture sit for about 10 minutes, as you don’t want it to be runny.
  • Apply to face and leave on for 20 minutes.
  • Rinse off and pat dry
    Alpha Hydroxy Resource: Wikipedia


  1. This is great I need to try this some time!

  2. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Let me know after you try it!

  3. Citrus is great for your skin! I use some great products from Beauty Control, that works amazing with its vitamin C ingredients, but of course it's costly. Therefore,I'm going to try your recipe tomorrow night, thanks for the great tips, or should i say bits?!

  4. It's funny you mention Beauty Control, I am actually a beauty consultant for them, are you as well, or are just a loving fan of the products?


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