January 26, 2013

How To Take Care Of Your Makeup Brushes


It’s No Lie, If You Don’t Dry, Say Good-bye; To Your Brushes!

Taking care of your makeup brushes is essential.  If you’ve happened to miss my blog on products to use to clean them, you can CLICK RIGHT HERE, to the many at home options.  However, washing them is only one step in the process to great brushes, how to dry them is vital to brush longevity.   

Below I have listed some terrific drying techniques I use, so take a gander!

BB Bit 1 
How to Prevent Your Brushes From Falling Apart
  • Stand them up in a tall cylinder to dry.  This may seem like a wonderful idea, but it isn’t.  If you dry your brushes standing upright with the bristles at the top, the water will travel down the handle to the glue that is holding the brush hairs together.  Over time the glue will loosen & diminish, consequently, causing your brushes to shed and eventually fall apart.
  • Never let your brushes dry on a towel or the counter, as the bristles can become mildewed from the moisture being trapped between the towel and the brushes.
  • Dry your brushes with the bristles hanging off the edge of a counter, this,  however, can be tricky if you have kids, share a bathroom with someone, or have a cat(like me); as they can be knocked off and land on the floor or worse the toilet!  
  • Hang the brushes with the bristles pointing downwards.  There are a few ways to do this.   Whichever one of these you choose will work great, plus it will allow the brush head to dry in place.
    You can tie the brushes to the sink faucet and let them dry.

If you are washing more than two brushes, 
you can try to hang them from a necklace stand. 


BB Bit 2

Do you leave your brushes out in the open for long periods of time?

If you do this, STOP.  As the next time you use them, you can be applying more to your face than just makeup, more like dirt and bacteria, which can lead to skin irritation.  A BB Bit suggestion...Properly store your makeup brushes in a makeup brush holder, this will help for hygienic purposes & will keep your brushes in tip-top shape, plus it’s excellent for travel!


BB Bit 3
How Often Should You Clean

To my knowledge, there is no set rule for this. Plus it also depends on how often you use your brushes.  Personally, I prefer to wash my eye brushes more often, usually 3-4 times a month.  The other brushes, twice a month.

Now that's some bits to brush against, until next time! 



  1. Great tips thanks!

  2. Most certainly, and thanks for the comment!

  3. Great tips on drying! I found out the hard way, and had to throw away my favorite brush. I've always dried them on a towel too, I guess I won't be doing that anymore either. I will try the sink option.

    1. I think we've all been there. I'm glad I could be of some help!

  4. Love the idea of the sink looks like you secured the with a rubber band. I would of never thought of this thank you for your tips

    1. Thanks,
      With all the sinks I have in my house, I can wash a lot of brushes=)

  5. I want one of those brush holders, that one is really nice, where did you get it?

    1. It is actually a necklace holder. I purchased it years ago at TJ Maxx

  6. Comment on the 14th, it is not really a brush holder. I made one out of a necklace stand, and hung them with a rubber band. That particular one, I purchase at a T.J. Max and more.

  7. I am so OCD about my brushes being clean. I use a brusher cleanser every time I use and a deep clean about once a week. Your ideas for drying brushes are fab!


    1. There is nothing wrong with that! I glad some of the drying tips you found helpful. Until next time!

  8. I clean my brushes once a week. I know people who have never cleaned their brushes before though and that just eeks me out!

    1. Yeah, that is a bit scary. I guess they like more than makeup on their eye's?
      Thanks for stopping by...

  9. Great tips!

    I'm so bad about leaving my brushes out. I need to stop being lazy and store them between uses!

    1. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. There are all kinds of inexpensive ways to store your brushes too, even from items in your home.

  10. I don't think I've ever really thought of this before! Great tips :)


    1. I'm glad I could be of some help! Also, thanks for checking out my blog!

  11. I love the stand, very cute! I've always dried them on a towel, I guess I won't be doing that any more!

  12. Great tips! Why we shouldn`t dry them with hair dryer? Is it possible to damage the brush? Greets!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.


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