January 24, 2013

Cool Ways to Clean Clutter In Your Home

Getting organized in 2013 by Barbies Beauty Bits.

One of my New Year’s resolutions is trying to get more organized.  Considering I live in a small condo, space is limited, leaving me no choice but to be creative in my storage and organizational approach.   For years, I've been using the vertical over the door shoe bags to store belts, gloves, small purses, and other items that were in my coat closet.  Why, until now, did I not think to use these more I have no idea. The endless possibilities with a shoe organizer, the size, all of those pockets, will most certainly help me to maximum space, ultimately making me happy!   I ended up using this to organize four additional rooms in my home.

Room 1: The Kitchen
Getting organized in 2013 wiht vertical shoe bags by Barbies Beauty
I started with this first as that is the smallest room in my house.  Under the sink, is enough cleaning products to make a maid think she struck gold.   I took 90% of these items out from under the sink, allowing me to free up some shelf space as well. You can see the finished project over to the right!

Room 2: The Bathroom
I hung the shoe organizer on the back of the bathroom door.  I was then able to store toilet paper, small hand towels, my curling iron, hairspray, and much more.

Room 3: The Bedroom
Hanging this inside my closet door, I could now store more belts, gloves, hats, and scarf's.

Room 4: The Shed
My outdoor shed has one small light, and it always seems I need to go there when it is dark.  However, using this shoe bag here, I could have easy access, as soon as I opened the door.  I stored some tools, flower seeds, extra flashlights, beach items and more!

I hope these ideas were helpful.  Until my next cleaning frenzy!
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  1. I live in a small apartment, this is going to work great, thanks!

    1. Let me know how it goes. I love them!
      Thanks For Stopping By,

  2. I love the idea of using a shoe tidy on the back of a door for storage of small items. I think it would work perfectly in my sons room to help keep his toys neat and tidy :)

    1. They've worked wonders in my small condo. Hopefully you found them useful too!
      Thanks For Stopping By,

  3. Good idea to hand in laundry room with few common houde hold tools, batteries, hooks, picture nails, etc. no more digging through drawers or husband tool box. Also, great for storing extra light bulbs.

    1. Thanks for the tips, they do work great with a lot of items inside an outside of the home!
      Thanks For Stopping By,

  4. I don't have enough doors;(


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