January 8, 2013

Beauty Masks For Younger Looking Skin

Let’s Go Crazy!
One way or another, as we get older, we are going crazy trying to find the fountain of youth.  Each person has different expectations of their skin-care products, but unfortunately, that spring of water is legendary.  But no worries, as there are still many tricks we can apply to help  prevent and repair some skin damage. One thing I learned in one of my beauty training courses is the age of a person’s skin can be very different than a person’s chronological age. It all depends on just how much damage your skin has been exposed to.  It is important to find the products, whether over the counter or ones made at home, that  best represent what we are looking for in skin care treatments.  Below are a few Pantry to Pretty Bits prescriptions for your skin!

Go Banana’s…Go, Go Banana’s
Banana's are rich with antioxidants, Vitamin B and Vitamin- B6. Below I have listed some of the zany things a banana face mask can help with.

  • Moisturize The Skin, leaving your skin softer and more hydrated.
  • Exfoliation:  The food acid in the fruit helps with removing dead skin cells revealing newer, younger-looking skin!  Achievable results include smoother-looking skin, and improvement in skin tone and clarity.  
  • Sun Burn:  I guess if you are stuck on a desert island make sure it is one that has plenty of banana's! As they will help provide aid to sun burnt skin.  Plus, the antioxidants in the banana's have a great soothing effect.

Below are two recipes for a mask.
  1. Make sure your face is clean.
  2. Start with a ripe banana & peel it.
  3. Place banana in a bowl and mash it.
  4. Apply a teaspoon of honey 
  5. Mix ingredients 
  6. Apply mixture evenly to your clean face
  7. Leave it on for 10 minutes until it dries.
  8. Wash and pat dry

Option two is a tip from my friend Teresa, which is the same mixture as above, but you want to add a few drops of lemon juice to it.

Gone Nuts:
You can also help your skin daily by your diet.  One excellent regiment for softer skin is eating more nuts, you can enjoy raw nuts as well as nut butters, yum, I’m getting hungry.  Furthermore, you can try some nut milks, for example, almond milk is great.  So what do the nuts do?  Nuts help fight free radicals and reduce dryness.



  1. Thank you for sharing the natural beauty masks.
    Very useful.
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  3. Since people started to be more thoughtful about their health, many companies which manufacture skin care products started to use fruits and vegetables as base ingredients of their products. With this, their products are believed to be more effective while being gentle to the skin. That might be true; but why buy expensive skin care products when you can have the all-natural beauty regimen in the comfort of your own home? Thank you for sharing this recipe with us. I’m sure you’ve been of help to many.

    Laraine Leet

  4. This is site is jam packed of information. Thank you for sharing. Banana has really a lot of healthy and beauty benefits.

  5. I always heard that banana is really one of the best and wonderful all natural beauty products. Banana is safe and effective for keeping your skin younger unlike any other skin care products that you can find over the counter.


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