January 6, 2013

101 On Mascara

Disclaimer: There are some affliate links in this post.

I love mascara! I’ve always said if I was forced to use only one makeup item for the rest of my life, I would pick mascara.   But what type, which brand, and more important what is up with all of these wands?

Well, for the past month, I’ve tried a lot of different mascaras to see, does one size fit all? The answer is no; they don’t, and don’t rely on the print ads either.  It always frustrates me that they use fake eyelashes in most of them, being in advertising I understand why.  Don’t get me wrong I adore fake eyelashes.  But what I don’t adore is getting excited thinking mascara alone is what achieved the look in the ad.   If you ask me, it’s a bit "false," as I try to practice what I preach in my advertising . None the less, below are some of my findings:

Plastic, Synthetic, or Other?
  • Plastic: I found that these bristles are good for separating the lashes.
  • Synthetic: These bristles help with length and volume.
  • Other: Rubber is another type.  I found a difference here more so with the bristles themselves.  Although it was only a month, I noticed that with a rubber bristle the mascara didn’t seem to dry at all, probably because the mascara didn’t collect on the brush as much, which can be a negative or a positive.  For me, it was a negative as with this type, I seemed to have to apply a lot.
To Prime or Not To Prime:
Prime I say! It gives you better application.  Think of primer in makeup the same as a primer you’d apply before painting a wall.  If you prime, the mascara will adhere much better, which means less application and voluminous eyes. Additionally, these primers also contain  ingredients to condition your lashes.

Lash Fiber Application:
The goal of this is to add fullness & length to the lashes and to dial up as they say,  giving you’re eyes a more dramatic look, similar to false eye lashes.  This is a great concept, but I think spending the money for some of these brands is a waste.  You can accomplish the same look with products that you can find in your cosmetic bag, and this is how. Before applying mascara, dust a translucent powder to your lashes. The powder has the same effect as the fiber formula mascaras, as both  will give your mascara something to bond to make them fuller. Finish by curling the lashes and gently comb out any clumps.

The Different Types of Wands:
Depending on the look you are trying to achieve; there is a wand tailored to help.  Whether you’re looking for length, volume, or curly, there are enough wands out there to make a fairy or a student of Hogwarts extremely excited.  During my trial, I discovered that the wands are just as important as the mascara itself.  I’ve listed a few below…

The different types of mascara wands by Barbies Beauty Bits

  • Curved Wand: The goal of this brush is to give you some extra curl & lift. Furthermore, the form fits perfectly to the shape of your eyes.
  • Straight Wand: This is a common wand found in a variety of mascara. This brush allows you to cover all areas of your lashes. However, because it is straight, this wand takes longer to achieve the look; you have to try all types of angles to get full coverage.
  • Full Wand:  Separation is hard with this brush, but these wands do add major volume and coats every lash!
  • Round Tip Wand: This is a new style, and boy does it look funny. This brush gets every eye lash, even the corners of your eyes; this is where I liked to use this wand the most. 
  • Some  Products Used :
    MAC Prep + Prime Lash
    Better Than False Lashes Nylon Lash Extension System 
    Rimmel London Scandal Eyes Mascara
    Maybelline Sky High Curves 
    Maybelline Full -N-Soft
    Benefit They're Real 
    Maybelline Great Lash 

    Bonus, I found these great wands from Sephora. Over 21 of them, for each lash look you want!

    SEPHORA COLLECTION Disposable Mascara Wands • Sephora • $7.00

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  1. Thanks so much for this information. You've answered a lot of questions for me. I love your blog!

  2. I've tried the powder dusting trick, it works great & the best part it saves me money!

  3. What brand has the round brush, I've never seen one of those in a store?

  4. Curved has always been my favorite, but maybe I'll try that round brush when I hear where I can find one

  5. great info! who doesnt want the perfect mascara for their lash type tania

  6. If you go to walmart and look at the mascara packages it will show the picture of what type of wand it is.

  7. Any advice for applying to the bottom lashes so it does not instantly give you raccoon eyes?

  8. Melanie, I’ve noticed the raccoon effect takes place because of too much being applied. Therefore, it is best to start from the outer corner and work your way into the middle of your lashes, with lighter application the closer you get to that area.

    Also, if you have any leftover residue or clumps, you’ll need to touch up with a qtip

  9. I love your blog, you share the best tips! I prefer tips like this over reviews! thanks!!!


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