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January 30, 2013

Honey As A Beauty Regiment


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Well I Bee,   I’ve heard talks about honey, and that it has great antibacterial factors, therefore the past two weeks, I’ve been adding into my beauty regiment.  And let me tell you, I love it so much that it now has a permanent spot in my bathroom with my facial products.

What does it work great on?

Blemishes, and boy does it work.  Unfortunately, when I get under a lot stress, which sometimes my daytime job causes, I will get a break out in the same place on my face.  It is one of these unsightly ones that just appears with no warning.   For the past year, I’ve been using eye drops on this irritated area, which has been my secret weapon to banishing the zits! But honey, let me tell you, you are my new sweet love.

I tried a variety of beauty recipes with honey, and will share some of the best today.

BB Bit 1:

A fantastic recipe combining both eye drops and honey, and it’s just an appliqué.

Eye Drops:  I apply the eye drops to the blemish first, by adding a few drops to a cotton ball and gently covering the blemish. Why does this help? Because the eye drops contain vasoconstrictors, which will shrink the blood vessels, hence reducing the inflammation & redness!   I then will take a Q-tip and add a drop of honey on it, I apply it right on top of the irritated area and leave it over night.  When I wake up the next morning, the inflammation is down and there have been times where the zit has completely vanished.

BB Bit 2:

A sweet & sour mask.  This mask is a combination of lemon & honey.  The mixture works wonders as the citric acid in the lemon helps to shrink the pores, exfoliate, and maintains your PH levels, whereas the honey's antibacterial factors banish the zit.

How To Make This:

  • Get 1 lemon and squeeze it into a bowl.
  • Add about 2 tablespoon of honey and mix.
  • You’re almost ready to apply, but before you do, you want to make sure you have your hair pulled back. Otherwise it will get stuck in the honey on your face.
  • Apply  the concoction to your clean face in a circular motion for a few minutes.
  • Leave mask on your face for about 15 more minutes.
  • Wash off.
Bzzz, I Have One More…

BB Bit 3:
I got this bit from my friend Teresa, who you’ve heard me make mention before.  It is not for blemishes but rather used on a cut.   The honey has great soothing effects, combined with its antibacterial factors; it shields as a protective layer over the cut.

How To:  
Simply apply the honey over the minor wound and cover with a bandage.

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January 26, 2013

How To Take Care Of Your Makeup Brushes


It’s No Lie, If You Don’t Dry, Say Good-bye; To Your Brushes!

Taking care of your makeup brushes is essential.  If you’ve happened to miss my blog on products to use to clean them, you can CLICK RIGHT HERE, to the many at home options.  However, washing them is only one step in the process to great brushes, how to dry them is vital to brush longevity.   

Below I have listed some terrific drying techniques I use, so take a gander!

BB Bit 1 
How to Prevent Your Brushes From Falling Apart
  • Stand them up in a tall cylinder to dry.  This may seem like a wonderful idea, but it isn’t.  If you dry your brushes standing upright with the bristles at the top, the water will travel down the handle to the glue that is holding the brush hairs together.  Over time the glue will loosen & diminish, consequently, causing your brushes to shed and eventually fall apart.
  • Never let your brushes dry on a towel or the counter, as the bristles can become mildewed from the moisture being trapped between the towel and the brushes.
  • Dry your brushes with the bristles hanging off the edge of a counter, this,  however, can be tricky if you have kids, share a bathroom with someone, or have a cat(like me); as they can be knocked off and land on the floor or worse the toilet!  
  • Hang the brushes with the bristles pointing downwards.  There are a few ways to do this.   Whichever one of these you choose will work great, plus it will allow the brush head to dry in place.
    You can tie the brushes to the sink faucet and let them dry.

If you are washing more than two brushes, 
you can try to hang them from a necklace stand. 


BB Bit 2

Do you leave your brushes out in the open for long periods of time?

If you do this, STOP.  As the next time you use them, you can be applying more to your face than just makeup, more like dirt and bacteria, which can lead to skin irritation.  A BB Bit suggestion...Properly store your makeup brushes in a makeup brush holder, this will help for hygienic purposes & will keep your brushes in tip-top shape, plus it’s excellent for travel!


BB Bit 3
How Often Should You Clean

To my knowledge, there is no set rule for this. Plus it also depends on how often you use your brushes.  Personally, I prefer to wash my eye brushes more often, usually 3-4 times a month.  The other brushes, twice a month.

Now that's some bits to brush against, until next time! 

January 24, 2013

Cool Ways to Clean Clutter In Your Home

Getting organized in 2013 by Barbies Beauty Bits.

One of my New Year’s resolutions is trying to get more organized.  Considering I live in a small condo, space is limited, leaving me no choice but to be creative in my storage and organizational approach.   For years, I've been using the vertical over the door shoe bags to store belts, gloves, small purses, and other items that were in my coat closet.  Why, until now, did I not think to use these more I have no idea. The endless possibilities with a shoe organizer, the size, all of those pockets, will most certainly help me to maximum space, ultimately making me happy!   I ended up using this to organize four additional rooms in my home.

Room 1: The Kitchen
Getting organized in 2013 wiht vertical shoe bags by Barbies Beauty
I started with this first as that is the smallest room in my house.  Under the sink, is enough cleaning products to make a maid think she struck gold.   I took 90% of these items out from under the sink, allowing me to free up some shelf space as well. You can see the finished project over to the right!

Room 2: The Bathroom
I hung the shoe organizer on the back of the bathroom door.  I was then able to store toilet paper, small hand towels, my curling iron, hairspray, and much more.

Room 3: The Bedroom
Hanging this inside my closet door, I could now store more belts, gloves, hats, and scarf's.

Room 4: The Shed
My outdoor shed has one small light, and it always seems I need to go there when it is dark.  However, using this shoe bag here, I could have easy access, as soon as I opened the door.  I stored some tools, flower seeds, extra flashlights, beach items and more!

I hope these ideas were helpful.  Until my next cleaning frenzy!
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