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December 12, 2012

How To Make Your Own Nail Polish

How To Make Your Own Nail Polish, By Barbie's Beauty Bits
 Eye See You Nailed It!
Here is a short but sweet BB Bit on what to do with the small Bits of your favorite eye shadow.  
First don’t throw it in the trash; you love the color, so use every last Bit of it 
by making it a new nail polish color!

What You'll Need
  • Clear nail polish.
  • Eye shadow
  • Toothpick
  • A funnel

How to: 
  1. Remove the eye shadow and place it in a small baggy or cup.
  2. Smash the eye shadow to make crumbles out of it.  Because you want your polish to apply smoothly without bumps, make sure to smash the Bits into dust.
  3. Place a small funnel into the clear nail polish.  
  4. Slowly pour in the crumbled eye color(make sure to mix well as you don’t want large chunks).
  5. Use the toothpick to mix up the color into the bottle. The final touch is to shake it a bit so it will be evenly disbrused.
  6. Want to add that polished look to your creation?  Add some glitter, now you're polish pretty! 



  1. Cool idea! The glitter version I've tried. I'll have to implement the makeup, I have plenty, so now these old colors; can go to some good use.

  2. love this! Trying this today!


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