December 24, 2012

Cleaning Your Jewels Rules, With Antacid


Antacid, to clean your jewelry, By Barbie's Beauty Btis

Plop, plop, fizz, fizz oh what a relief it is, to have clean jewelry that is! Jewelry cleaner can be expensive, but considering the cost of your jewelry, investing the time to clean it is important.  So, here is a BB Bit on an uncommon use for a common product… Antacid, to clean your jewelry!
How To Do:
  • Fill a small glass with water
  • Drop in 2 antacids
  • Drop your jewels in while the fizzing is still taking place
  • Let your jewels soak for about 10 minutes, the fizzing needs to stop before you remove them
  • Rinse and pat dry with a soft cloth
How does this work?

The fizz (bubbles) will cling to the jewelry and remove the dirt. As the bubbles rise to top, so does the dirt from your jewelry. Leaving your jewelry sparkling like new!

Important:  This works great on diamonds & gold.  However, do not try this on pearl, opals or with silver, this solution is too harsh for these.


  1. Nice image, thanks for sharing

  2. You can also try (and for other stones & silver) using a toothbrush and regular tooth paste. =) Just apply, brush, and rinse. Makes silver shine!

  3. Great post! There is some really cool stuff here. Keep up the great work on this blog!


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