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November 7, 2012

Investing In Your Makeup Brushes 101

A Bit to Brush Against!

Investing in your makeup brushes is essential; this also means cleaning them regularly. Makeup brushes can be a hosting ground for dirt and bacteria, but properly washing and storing them can keep your face clean & healthy. Furthermore, cleaning your makeup brushes will ensure they remain in the best shape and increase longevity. Makeup brushes are just as important as the makeup itself, so over the next month,  I will give you some BB Bits on how to care for your brushes, thus keep a look out for this BRUSH SERIES.

Today I’m going to talk about the different cleanser options.  Both over the counter, and some cost effective, Pantry to Pretty Bits.


Brush Cleaner:  You can purchase this at a drug store or your favorite makeup counter. 

Pros:  Most are an anti-bacterial and are designed to remove quickly light traces of makeup between applications.  They are also, excellent for use between brushes shampoos, and condition the bristles.

Cons: They are usually costly, and sometimes have a strong scent.  If you have sensitivities, you may not want to have that smell on your face all day or around your eyes.

Vinegar & Water:  This is an inexpensive way to clean your brushes, plus vinegar acts as a disinfectant.  How To: Add a tablespoon of white vinegar to warm water & soak for 20 minutes.

Alcohol: This is another cost effective approach. How To: Get a travel spritz bottle and fill the bottle 90% full of alcohol, and top with water.  You can then spritz, your brushes clean. You can also make a one-time mixture in a glass.

Shampoo:  Baby shampoo works great, the downside, your brushes will not be disinfected; therefore I combine this when I use vinegar.   

How To:  After soaking your brushes in vinegar, insert your brush into a baby shampoo mix, that would include warm water.

Facial Cleaner:  Uh duh! If it’s used to remove the makeup from your face, it will work wonders on your brushes.

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