October 31, 2012

Making Your Mascara Last

Mascara is a Girl’s Best Friend!

Mascara is one thing that I cannot live without! So getting the most out of a tube of mascara is very important, wouldn’t you agree?    Well here is short but sweet BB Bit, worth lashing out at!   

    How to make your mascara last By Barbies Beauty Bits
  • Take your tube of mascara & place it in the palms of your hands.
  • Quickly roll the mascara tube back & forth between your hands for about 30 seconds.
  • By doing this you create heat, which will soften & loosen the mascara and it won't seem as dried out, it revives and will apply like a new tube.
  • Great lashes at a great price, as now you will be able to get plenty of more uses out of a tube of mascara that you would normally throw away!
  • IMPORTANT, make sure to keep in mind the safe time usage of your mascara.  If it is what we call in the makeup world “expired”, toss it in the trash don’t try to revive it.

October 23, 2012

Do You Hate Razor Burn?

Or do you get irritated skin when you are shaving your legs? Well here’s a Pantry to Pretty Bit for you.  Use your hair conditioner to shave those legs! Say what? Yes, I said hair conditioner!  It works very well, plus it will moisturize while you shave, and the best part, it is less expensive and will not irritate the skin!

October 19, 2012

Uses For an Old Battery Operated Toothbrush

From Toothpaste to Soap Suds!
Here is a BB Bit on something old becoming something new again

Instead of throwing an old battery operated tooth brush in the trash, you can make it your new cleaning tool for your bath tub.  It works as a great scouring tool to clean the grout & it can get into those hard to clean crevices in your bath tub.

October 18, 2012

Get Rid Of Puffy Eyes

Look Deeply Into My Eyes & Consider This...No More Puffy Eyes!

Sometimes it’s easier to fake a great night of sleep than getting it.
Here’s some Pantry to Pretty Bits on how to fix those swollen eyes!

 With Tea Bags
Tea contains tannins, as well as having caffeine. Both of these elements combined help shrink the swollen tissue, while constricting the blood vessels, ultimately reducing swelling,

How To:  
  • Get your tea bags wet and place them in the refrigerator, so they can cool
  • Remove tea bags from frig.
  • Lie down on your back & place cold, damp tea bags over your puffy eyes 
  • Leave tea bags on your eyes for 10 minutes 
  • Remove, rinse and now you are revived 

With Cucumbers
Cucumbers have a hydrating effective, and will reduce puffiness and redness due to their anti-inflammatory effect.

How To:
  • Get  a cucumber and cut it into slices
  •  You want to make sure that you cut them large enough to effect the under area of your eye, as this is where the puffiness usually stays
  • Place the slices in a baggy
  • Place the cucumber slices in the frig. for a few hours
  • Lie down on your back & place the slices over your eyelids
  • Leave on your eyes for 15 minutes 

Would You Like To Spoon?
Applying a chilled spoon to your eyes.  This works well because the cold temperature of the spoon constricts the blood vessels, helping with redness and puffiness around the eye.

How To:
  • Place 4 metal spoons in the frig.
  • When chilled, place a spoon on each eye socket
  • As the spoons begin to warm, switch them with the spoons chilling
  • Continue this process until swelling subsides

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